- 410-635-3836
- Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
- 410-635-3836
- Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Erosion and Sediment Control
What is Erosion and Sediment Control?
Put simply, Erosion and Sediment Control is the attempt to protect the outside environment from active construction projects
By isolating the construction projects using Erosion and Sediment Controls, the impact of development is significantly reduced, with the ultimate goal of eliminating that impact
"How Does Magstone Help?"
+ Magstone has been an industry leader in all facets of Erosion and Sediment Control for 20+ years
+ Practices such as Silt Fence, Super Silt Fence, Diversion Fence, Reinforced Silt Fence, and Filter Logs are used to isolate, direct, and filter water flow at the perimeter of a construction site, acting as a first line of defense for the environment
+ Sediment Traps and Basins are used to collect large volumes of sediment laden water, altering its course and setting its final destination using Gabion Inflows, Rip Rap Inflows, Baffles, Etc.
+ Inlet Protections are used to keep all dirty water from directly entering the Storm Drain System without being filtered first
+ Tree Protection Fence is used to clearly mark areas that will not be disturbed during construction
+ The overall impact of these controls are to minimize pollutants from the construction process disturbing the environment around us