Stormwater Conversion and Maintenance

What is Stormwater Conversion?

+ As with all progressive industries, Stormwater Management practices in Maryland are forever changing

+ As time passes and new systems are developed, older systems must be updated/retrofitted to maximize their positive impact on the environment

What is Stormwater Maintenance?

+ Stormwater Management Facilities must be maintained properly in order for them to continue to function over long periods of time

+ Without this maintenance, Stormwater Management Facilities may begin to fail, becoming a detriment to the environment and an eyesore to those 
in the vicinity

"How Does Magstone Help?"

+ Magstone works with design engineers to bring older Stormwater Management Facilities across the state up to the current standards of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)

+ Facilities are re-graded, sediment removed, new filter practices installed, etc. all based on the changing standards and designs 

+ Maintaining these facilities has become a niche unto itself, and Magstone is at the forefront of this practice

+ Removing accumulating sediment, repairing erosion, replacing failing material, are all aspects of a practical maintenance program that will ensure these facilities will work to their full potential, as well as maintain a presentable appearance for local communities, business, etc. 


More Services

Stormwater Management

Erosion and Sediment Control

Stormwater Conversion and Maintenance

Streams/Wetlands Restoration

Soil Conservation


Magstone has been proudly serving
Maryland's Construction Industry for over 25 years