- 410-635-3836
- Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
- 410-635-3836
- Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Stormwater Management
What is Stormwater Management?
+ Stormwater Management in Maryland is an attempt to reduce the ecological impact of rainfall and runoff on the state’s natural resources (Chesapeake Bay Watershed), as well as reducing our carbon footprint on the plane
+ Excessive volume of rainfall and runoff without the tools to control them can lead to erosion and excessive flooding
+ Pollutants entering the water can destroy the water quality for entire ecosystems (Humans, Animals, Insects, and Plant Life included)
"How Does Magstone Help?"
+ Magstone is an industry leader in various Stormwater Management Practices
+ Microbioretention, Bioretention, Bioswale, Submerged Gravel Wetlands, Surface Sand Filters, and Water Quality Filters are all different designs meant to collect the rain water and runoff and deal with them before entering the Storm Drain System
+ The water is directed at concentrated areas within these systems, typically reinforced to prevent erosion, to handle the high volume of flow directed at them
+ Using multiple layers of material to filter the incoming water, products such as Mulch, Soil, Stone, Gravel, and Sand all work in conjunction with one another to filter pollutants out of the water as gravity pulls the water downward to the Water Table
+ These facilities are designed to hold a certain level of water based on historical flood data, so the water can be concentrated, contained, filtered through the system, and re-enter the Water Table cleanly
+ Underdrain Pipe Systems and Overflow Structures are used to direct excessive water into the Storm Drain System as a last resort
+ The overall impact of these systems is to greatly reduce the amount of water entering the Storm Drain System, aid in Flood Prevention, and to effectively filter water before it enters the Water Table